Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)
The Wednesday Wine Down🍷 (9-8)
The Wednesday Wine Down 🍷(9-8) The One Where…#FreeBritney may truly become a reality; Lyft does right by its drivers in Texas; We’re in a Rona Renaissance; Representation Matters; California’s new condom law; The Bucs SB Parade was a Super Spreader; Jason Mamoa gets a new suit; Drake heads to Monday Night Football and so much more. Tune in and enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷 (4-2)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(4-1 The One Where…Judge Orders Not Today Satan On Shoes; Southern States Going Bat💩Crazy; DC Cancels Duvernay & Wan Projects; April Streaming List (Movies/TVs); Idris Elba Gets His Giddyup on & so much more goodness on this Good Friday Edition of the Wine Down.
The Daily Wine Down (10-7)
The Daily Wine Down for Wednesday 10-7 Features Eddie Van Halen (RIP); Lenny Kravitz; 355; Selena: The Series; Movie Release Updates; and more