Go Shorty It’s Our Birthday
Do You Know What Today Is?
Hello and welcome to a very special episode commemorating 1 YEAR of The Popcorn Wine Down…🎂🎂 Is it our birthday (Eddie) or anniversary (Tammy)…We can’t even agree on that. But we can agree that it’s a day of celebration and thanks.
It was a year ago today that our first episode premiered. Tune into this very special to see how it how started, how it’s going and where it’s all headed.
Popcast is also available on Apple, Google, and Spotify. Please be sure to listen, like, comment, and follow 😊
Creators: Tammy & Eddie
Starring: Tammy & Eddie
Podcast Series (+)
Episodes: 82 & counting
Run Time: 45+min each
Genre: All Things Pop Culture/Entertainment
Where To Listen: Apple, Google, and Spotify. YouTube Coming Soon.