Snake Eyes 2.31
Through The Eyes of A Snake
On this week’s episode of the popcast, we break down Snake Eye’s origin story. We get to see how it all started not only for Snake Eyes but blood brother turned enemy Storm Shadow. For those of us that are not familiar with all the backstories of the GI Joe team, this proves to be a crash course in catching up on that history.
Tune in to find out if the long-anticipated origin story and defacto reboot for the GI Joe series lives up to the hype and expectations. We discuss Henry Golden’s transformation of romantic lead to action hero. Does it work? Who is Andrew Koji and how does he do as Tommy? Should the franchise continue and so much more. Press play before to hear if Snake Eyes is ultimately a winner or if it craps out.
Popcast is also available on Apple, Google, and Spotify. Please be sure to listen, like, comment, and follow 😊
The soundtrack is included below.
Director: Robert Schwentke
Writers: Evan Spiliotopoulos; Joe Shrapnel; Anna Waterhouse
Starring: Henry Golding; Andrew Koji; Haruka Abe
Rating- PG-13
Run Time: 2 hr 1min (121 min)
Where To Watch: In Theaters
The music for Snake Eyes includes an official soundtrack/score heard throughout the movie and an officially curated playlist for the movie. I really like the songs chosen for the playlist. They give a real feel to the tone and characters of the movie. Hope you enjoy both. And please be sure to follow us at Wine Down Radio on Spotify. CHEERS🍿🍷