Spotlight Artist: Rini
Meet Me In Amsterdam
This week the spotlight turns to RINI, an R&B singer-songwriter who hails from Australia. I discovered RINI by accident on YouTube. The video for his 2018 single “Meet Me In Amsterdam” came up and once I heard the first few notes flow like warm melted butter I just let it play. Although in all fairness I think I played it on repeat several times, before I finally googled him. Then I listened to his entire catalogue and fell even more in love with his smooth sounding brand of R&B. There is something classically old school yet also distinctively new school about RINI. I look forward to hearing more from him and in the future. I have added him to my “Ones to Look Out For List” (still working on the name) I hope you enjoy him as much as I do.
My Favorite Clothes
Meet Me In Amsterdam
Stranger Tings
Way Things Are (feat. JSPA)
Feels Natural