Mixtape Monday: Brian McKnight
Back At One
This week we mix it up with R&B legend Brian McKnight. Featuring hits from his first 10 albums including Back At One; Crazy Love; Anytime; I Belong To You; and many more hits.
I used to love Brian McKnight. His first cd got me through so many heartbreaks and is an excellent heartbreak cd, even till this day. He’s also what the OGs would classify as baby-making music. So I must of course issue the disclaimer that we are not responsible for any babies conceived while listening to this playlist, but please feel free to name them after us..🤣🤣🤣
Please be sure to follow us at Wine Down Radio on Spotify.
Brian McKnight On Repeat
Never Felt This Way
Crazy Love
One Last Cry
Up Around My Way
Find Myself In You
***This list could go on forever because I love his early stuff especially anything from his first 3 albums***
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