The Daily Wine Down Tuesday (11-24)
Black Lightning Going Dark
It was recently announced this upcoming season would be the last for Black Lightning. I have watched this show since it’s premiere four years ago and have mostly loved it. Black Lightning was groundbreaking for being one of the first and only superhero shows to feature a predominantly black cast and a black superhero (shout out to Luke Cage too). Although the ending is bittersweet it’s not totally unexpected, the storylines over the past couple of seasons have been a little lacking and I think I was watching more out of habit than pure interest. The story that interested me most was one that I had little interest in at first and that was the Khalil/Painkiller arc. And it was recently announced that Painkiller was getting his own show. So maybe we’ll see some Black Lightning characters if not the man himself pop up from time to time on that show. However, I doubt one of those characters will be Jennifer/Lightning his BL love interest. Actress China Anne McClain had announced that she was leaving the show regardless of this being the final season or not. She also seems like she’s over the acting thing. For this final season, I will definitely watch with keen interest to see how they wrap up the show. I’m also glad the announcement came in time to give the show the proper send-off it deserves. (EW)
I'll Take New Jeopardy Hosts For $1000
The producers have announced their interim plan for replacing the late great Alex Trebek. They’re going to be using a series of guest hosts including uber Jeopardy champion Ken ”The Professor” Jennings. This is a pretty cool idea. It actually gives them some time and takes some of the pressure off of having to name an immediate successor right away. It also serves as a real-time audition to see who has the rapport, charisma etc (THR)
Rona Pushes 355 Back 364
It’s not even 2021 yet and Rona already playing games with the new year. Say it with me “fucking Rona”. The highly anticipated female led spy thriller The 355 has been pushed back from Jan 2021 until Jan 2022. Maybe this was to ensure that it will have an actual theater release and not a hybrid release or purely streaming release. I can get behind that. You know I’m all about saving the movie theaters. Of course, that is pure speculation on my part. But whatever the reason, we will definitely have to wait a whole year to see one kickass movie. It’s all good though because I’ve already added it to the calendar.(Variety)
New Money, New Problems
Jemele Hil and Gabrielle along with Kelly Carter are creating a show for Showtime, called New Money. It’s about 30 somethings who find that new money brings new problems. Let me just I am absolutely here for it. They had me at Jemele Hill and Gabrielle Union but the description sealed the deal. Although I think this means I will have to subscribe to Showtime, (Deadline)
The Queen's Gambit Pays Off For Netflix
The Queen’s Gambit has turned out to be a huge hit for Netflix. It has become their most-streamed Limited series ever. It has also sparked a renewed interest in chess. My mother tried teaching me as a kid. It never caught my interest as a 9-year-old but over the years I found myself wishing I had stuck with it. Anyway back to the show. I remember parking the trailer to this show in the Trailer Park a few weeks ago (click the pic for a refresher). At the time I really didn’t think much of it. But ever since I have been hearing how great the show is. So of course I added it to the list. Like I need to add anything else to another list. No, I don’t know how many lists I actually have. I just know they’re all too damn long and growing. But I will watch it this week and try to do a quick pop. (IndieWIre)
![Pop Links Tuesday 11-24](
Pop Links Tuesday 11-24
Being BTS (Esquire)
Taylor’s Confirmation (Variety)
Never Have I Ever Back In Production (Deadline)
This Week’s Virtual Concerts & Livestreams (Billboard)
Blade Runner Origin Story (THR)
Black Panther 2 Update (THR)
![What To Watch Tuesday 11-24](
What To Watch Tuesday 11-24
Hillbilly Elegy (Netflix)
NCIS (400th Episode) 8/7 C - (CBS)
EW’s TuesdayListings - (EW)
TVLine’s Tuesday Listings (TVLine)
TVGuide Tuesday Listings (TVGuide)
Black Narcissus (IMDb)
Monster Hunter (IMDb)