Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Wednesday Wine Down🍷 (7-6)
The Wednesday Wine Down 🍷(7-6 )The One Where…Babyface Reflects On Soul Food; Beyonce Breaks Into Top 10; JHope Teases; Whoopi Calls Out Uncle Clarence; Mike Grier Makes History In The NHL; Jordan Covers NBA 2K23; Subway Redesigns Menu; Updates on 4th of July Shooting; and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷

The Friday Wine Down🍷 (4-23)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(4-23-21) The One Where…DC Takes A Step Closer to Statehood.; We Remember A Founder of the Underground & Hip Hop Legend, RIP Shock G; Megan Thee Stallion Takes a Few Steps Back; Kehlani Tells Her Coming Out Story; Bubba Drives Into Netflix; Mortal Kombat and Shadow & Bone Both Premiere today and So Much More On this Fantastic Friday Edition of the Wine Down(CHEERS) 🍷🍷

The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (4-22)
The Thursday Wine Down 🍷(4-21-21) The One Where…It’s Earth Day; Spider-Man Is Going To Disney Afterall; Hilary Duff Is Going To Tell Us How I Met Your Father;We Find Out Green Is Green; Floyd Mayweather to Fight Jake Paul (yeah that’s 💯) and So Much More On this Earth Day Edition of the Wine Down(CHEERS) 🍷🍷