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Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)
The Sunday Wine Down🍷(7-25)
The Sunday Wine Down 🍷(7-25) The One Where…. BTS, Megan Thee Stallion, Justin Bieber Top The Week In Music; Kanye Whispers; Old Limps Past Snake Eyes; Olympic Updates; And so much more….Check it out all on this Sensational Sunday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷(7-23)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(7-23) The One Where…. We Meet The REAL Tommy Dorfman; The Olympics Begin; Vax Demands Have People Quitting; Dr. Dre Ordered To Pay Spousal Support….Morgan Wallen’s GMA One on One; This Weekend At The Movies…And so much more….Check it out all on this Fabulous Friday of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷
The Sunday Wine Down🍷(7-18)
The Sunday Wine Down 🍷(7-18) The One Where… .There’s A Shooting Outside of A Baseball Game; We Say Goodbye To A Hip Hop Legend; Remember A Civil Rights Icon; Rona & Delta Continue To Infect & Disrupt The World; More Tea Is Spilled In The Trump Dump…And so much more….Check it out all on this Sunday Fantastic Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷(7-16)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(7-16) The One Where… .The TCA Awards Noms Are Announced; Jason Sudeikis Supports Black Soccer PlayersAt British Ted Lasson Premiere; Rona Just Won’t Go Away; What’s Ahead In The MCU; Space Jame Is Here; Producer Arrested For Pimping…And so much more….Check it out all on this Fantastic Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷