Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)
The Sunday Wine Down🍷 (11-7)
The Sunday Wine Down 🍷(11-7) The One Where… Astroworld Fest Comes To A Tragic End; Eternals Tops The Box Offices; It’s Finally Infrastructure Week, For Real This Time; College Football Recap This Weekend At The Movies; and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷 (11-5)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(11-4) The One Where… The Harder They Fall Revives The Story Of The Black Cowboy; Cynthia Erivo & Ariana Grande Get Wicked; Rihanna Goes Vinyl; Geroge Clooney Calls Out The Daily Mail; Blonde White Lady Goes To Jail; JAY-Z’s Already Over IG; Phoenix Suns Owner Is A Toxic Human Being To Say The Least; SWA needs To Rebrand; This Weekend At The Movies; and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷
The Friday Wine Down🍷 (9-17)
The Friday Wine Down 🍷(9-17) The One Where…Nicki Minaj Becomes A Q’Anon Hero???👀👀👀; Tom Brady Refuses To Quit; Gabrielle Union Opens Up DWade’s “Break Baby”; The Devil, Finds A New Home At Fox News; Jeopardy Names Temporary Hosts, Not LaVar Burton; Week College Football Schedule; 500 Greatest Songs; This Weekend At The Movies …and so much more. Tune in and enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷
The Wednesday Wine Down🍷(8-4)
The Wednesday Wine Down 🍷(8-4) The One Where…. Olympics Update; Sydney Mclaughlin Owns The 400M Hurdles; Rihanna Joins The Bllionaire’’s Club; Angela Basset Gets Her Bag Too; The Muppets Trigger Candace Owens; The Cuomo Scandal Updates; Fresh Prince Reboot Delayed; First Look At Cinderella; Paris Hilton Cooks and so much more….Check it out all on this Wonderful Wednesday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷
The Sunday Wine Down🍷(6-27)
The Sunday Wine Down 🍷(6-27) The One Where…Tyler The Creator Apologizes To Selena Gomez; Allsion Mack Regrets Recruiting For Sex Cult; BTS & Foo Fighters Top Music’s Biggest Winners; Update On Miami Condo Collapse; More of 2021’s Best So Far; What’s Playing This Weekend At The Movies… And So much more ….Check it out all on this Super Sunday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷
The Tuesday Wine Down🍷 (2-2)
The Tuesday Wine Down (2-2) RIP Dustin Diamond (Screech); Evan Rachel Wood & Others Accuse Marilyn Manson of Abuse; GameStop Movies On The Horizon; Wakanda TV Series in the Works; Billie Eilish Breaking Records and more.