Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)
The Wednesday Wine Down🍷 (7-20)
The Wednesday Wine Down 🍷(7-20) The One Where…We Recap MLB ASG…Giancarlo Stanton Wins MVP; Shohei Shows Out; Harry Styles University; Shooting On Law & Order Set; Mo’Nique’s New Netflix Show; Twitter Trial Date Set; House Protects Marriage Equality;Steph to Host ESPY’s; Miles Bridges Charged; Monsta X To Headline Nickelodeon Festival… And So much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷
The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (6-3)
The Thursday Wine Down 🍷(6-3) The One Where…We Find Out The Origins of Butter; NFL Drops Racist Protocols; Best Graduation Movies; Get Know The First Lady; Escapist Romance Novels; and so much more. Check it out all on this Awesome Thursday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍷🍷
The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (4-1)
The April Fool’s Wine Down 🍷(4-1 The One Where…Matt Gaetz Too Toxic For Fox News; Bonnaroo Announces In-Person Festival With Awesome Set List; NY Legalizes The Happy Green; We Finally Get Infrastructure Week; BTS Just Keeps Stuntin and more foolishness but for real 🤣🤣🤣
The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (1-28)
The Thursday Wine Down (1-28) features Taylor Swift’s New Chapter; AMC Stock Gets Reddit Boost; Bridgerton Goes BIG for Netflix; Zoom Porn and more