Catch up on the latest headlines in the world of entertainment
& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Monday Wine Down🍷 (7-18)
The Monday Wine Down 🍷(7-18) The One Where…Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez Get Married; Bad Bunny Still #1; Stallone Fighting For Rocky; Marvel’s Story Problem? ;Damning Uvalde Report; Bernie’s Over Manchin’s 💩;MLB HR Derby; Fraser Price Dominates 100M… And So much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷

The Monday Wine Down🍷 (7-11)
The Wine Down 🍷(7-11 )The One Where…Thor Owns The Weekend Box Office; J-Hope Teases Arson; Lizzo Introduces #Vizzo; Shawn Mendes Takes A Mental Health Break; Djokovic Wins 7th Wimbledon Title; Yankees Lead MLB All-Star Roster; WNBA All-Stars Pay Tribute To Griner; Bannon To Testify; SALES SALES & MORE SALES and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷