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& pop culture.
Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (7-14)
The Thursday Wine Down 🍷(7-14) The One Where…J-Hope already topping the charts;Lea Michele Already Bringing The Drama To Broadway; Rona Is Still Here Ya’ll; Khloe Kardashian Is Having A Baby; MLB All Star Weekend Lineup; Walls Closing In On Trump World; More Emmy Coverage..And So much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷

The Tuesday Wine Down🍷 (7-12)
The Tuesday Wine Down 🍷(7-12 )The One Where…Ja Morant On That Good Sh!t BTS Deal With Disney+; Amy Winehouse Gets A Biopic; Gas Prices Going Down; Fall Box Office Likely To Follow; Who’s Gonna Work MLB All-Star Game?; Was Jeter Really The King Of Sidepiece Swag?; PGA Under Investigation; SALES SALES & MORE SALES and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷

The Monday Wine Down🍷 (7-11)
The Wine Down 🍷(7-11 )The One Where…Thor Owns The Weekend Box Office; J-Hope Teases Arson; Lizzo Introduces #Vizzo; Shawn Mendes Takes A Mental Health Break; Djokovic Wins 7th Wimbledon Title; Yankees Lead MLB All-Star Roster; WNBA All-Stars Pay Tribute To Griner; Bannon To Testify; SALES SALES & MORE SALES and so much more. Tune in, Check It Out & Enjoy. CHEERS🍿🍷