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Released daily (Sunday thru Friday)

The Tuesday Wine Down🍷(7-20)
The Tuesday Wine Down 🍷(7-20) The One Where… .BTS Beats BTS; Are You Ready For Manning Monday Night Football?; Lil Nas X Teases Industry Baby; New Music To Get You Through The Week; Olympics Cardboard Beds More Steady Than They Look;Megan Thee Stallion Covers SI Swimsuit Edition …And so much more….Check it out all on this Tantalizing Tuesday Edition of the Wine Down - CHEERS🍿🍷

The Thursday Wine Down🍷 (1-28)
The Thursday Wine Down (1-28) features Taylor Swift’s New Chapter; AMC Stock Gets Reddit Boost; Bridgerton Goes BIG for Netflix; Zoom Porn and more

The WednesdayWine Down (12-30)
The Wednesday Wine Down (12-230) Roundup of Year-End Reviews; RIP Pierre Cardin; Wonder Woman Doing Its Job For HBO Max;