Are You Human Too?
What Does It Mean To Be Human?
When I first read the synopsis for Are You Human Too? I wasn’t interested. But something made me add add it to my watchlist. And then, every time I signed into Viki (streaming service for Asian TV and movies) I would go back to read the synopsis again and again. Finally I broke down and watched the first episode. By the end, I was hooked. An android takes the place of a dude in a coma and somehow gets everyone to fall in love with him? Yep, sign me up pronto. It’s an inconceivable concept but still pulls you in. Especially when the real Nam Shim wakes up and discovers that the android is a better human than him. The grandfather is heartless. The best friend is loyal yet practical. The love interest is so ride or die. Human Nam Shim wakes up an asshole. And he doesn’t redeem himself fully until the last 5 minutes of the show. I enjoyed watching everyone slowly turn away from Human Nam Shim to protect Nam Shim III. Sometimes I wish there were truly good people in the world but unfortunately that is a fairy tale that I call Are You Human Too? I highly recommend you watch this show. It’s 30 minute episodes but so much happens in just those 30 minutes. Overall I give it 🍿🍿🍿