BTS & The Art of BE-ing
This week we discuss BTS’ latest comeback, centered around the release of their latest album BE and the #1 leadoff single “Life Goes On”. Since we originally recorded this episode both the album and the single have debuted at #1 on the Billboard Hot 200 and Hot100 charts respectively. This tremendous feat makes “Life Goes On” the first non-English song to debut at #1 on the Billboard charts. This is an example of the kind of year BTS has had. Talk about making sweet lemonade out of sour AF lemons. Tune in to hear more of our thoughts on BE, BTS, and life definitely going on in this clusterfuck of a year known as 2020. Also featured is their performance of “Life Goes On” and “Dynamite” on The Late Late Show With James Corden. Click here to listen to the BTS B-Sides Playlist.
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